Source code for piccolo_api.shared.auth.hooks

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import inspect
import typing as t

PreLoginHook = t.Union[
    t.Callable[[str], t.Optional[str]],
    t.Callable[[str], t.Awaitable[t.Optional[str]]],
LoginSuccessHook = t.Union[
    t.Callable[[str, int], t.Optional[str]],
    t.Callable[[str, int], t.Awaitable[t.Optional[str]]],
LoginFailureHook = t.Union[
    t.Callable[[str], t.Optional[str]],
    t.Callable[[str], t.Awaitable[t.Optional[str]]],

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class LoginHooks: """ Allows you to run custom logic during login. A hook can be a function or coroutine. Here's an example using :class:`session_login <piccolo_api.session_auth.endpoints.session_login>`: .. code-block:: python def check_ban_list(username: str, **kwargs): ''' An example `pre_login` hook. ''' if username in ('nuisance', 'pest'): return 'This account has been temporarily suspended'. async def log_success(username: str, user_id: int, **kwargs): ''' An example `login_success` hook. ''' await my_logging_service.record( f'{username} just logged in' ) async def log_failure(username: str, **kwargs): ''' An example `login_failure` hook. ''' await my_logging_service.record(f'{username} could not login') return ( 'To reset your password go <a href="/password-reset/">here</a>.' ) login_endpoint = session_login( hooks=LoginHooks( pre_login=[check_ban_list], login_success=[log_success], login_failure=[log_failure], ) ) If any of the hooks return a string, the login process is aborted, and the login template is shown again, containing the string as a warning message. The string can contain HTML such as links, and it will be rendered correctly. All of the example hooks above accept ``**kwargs`` - this is recommended just in case more data is passed to the hooks in future Piccolo API versions. :param pre_login: A list of function and / or coroutines, which accept the username as a string. :param login_success: A list of function and / or coroutines, which accept the username as a string, and the user ID as an integer. If a string is returned, the login process stops before a session is created. :param login_failure: A list of function and / or coroutines, which accept the username as a string. """ # noqa: E501 pre_login: t.Optional[t.List[PreLoginHook]] = None login_success: t.Optional[t.List[LoginSuccessHook]] = None login_failure: t.Optional[t.List[LoginFailureHook]] = None async def run_pre_login(self, username: str) -> t.Optional[str]: if self.pre_login: for hook in self.pre_login: response = hook(username) if inspect.isawaitable(response): response = t.cast(t.Awaitable, response) response = await response if isinstance(response, str): return response return None async def run_login_success( self, username: str, user_id: int ) -> t.Optional[str]: if self.login_success: for hook in self.login_success: response = hook(username, user_id) if inspect.isawaitable(response): response = t.cast(t.Awaitable, response) response = await response if isinstance(response, str): return response return None async def run_login_failure(self, username: str) -> t.Optional[str]: if self.login_failure: for hook in self.login_failure: response = hook(username) if inspect.isawaitable(response): response = t.cast(t.Awaitable, response) response = await response if isinstance(response, str): return response return None