
Hooks allow executing custom code as part of processing a CRUD request. You can use this to validate data, call another custom API, place messages on queues and many other things.

Enabling a hook

Define a method, and register it with PiccoloCRUD:

# app.py
from piccolo_api.crud.endpoints import PiccoloCRUD

from movies.tables import Movie

# set movie rating to 10 before saving
async def set_movie_rating_10(row: Movie):
    row.rating = 10
    return row

# set movie rating to 20 before saving
async def set_movie_rating_20(row: Movie):
    row.rating = 20
    return row

async def pre_delete(row_id):

# Register one or multiple hooks
app = PiccoloCRUD(
        Hook(hook_type=HookType.pre_save, callable=set_movie_rating_10),
        Hook(hook_type=HookType.pre_save, callable=set_movie_rating_20),
        Hook(hook_type=HookType.pre_delete, callable=pre_delete)

You can specify multiple hooks (also per hook_type). Hooks are executed in order. You can use either async or regular functions.

Hook types

There are different hook types, and each type takes a slightly different set of inputs.

It’s also important to return the expected data from your hook.


This hook runs during POST requests, prior to inserting data into the database. It takes a single parameter, row, and should return the row:

async def set_movie_rating_10(row: Movie):
    row.rating = 10
    return row

app = PiccoloCRUD(table=Movie, read_only=False, hooks=[
    Hook(hook_type=HookType.pre_save, callable=set_movie_rating_10)


This hook runs during PATCH requests, prior to changing the specified row in the database.

It takes two parameters, row_id which is the id of the row to be changed, and values which is a dictionary of incoming values.

Each function must return a dictionary which represent the data to be modified.

async def reset_name(row_id: int, values: dict):
    current_db_row = await Movie.objects().get(Movie.id==row_id)
    if values.get("name"):
        values["name"] = values["name"].replace(" ", "")
    return values

app = PiccoloCRUD(
        Hook(hook_type=HookType.pre_patch, callable=reset_name)


This hook runs during DELETE requests, prior to deleting the specified row in the database.

It takes one parameter, row_id which is the id of the row to be deleted.

pre_delete hooks should not return data.

async def pre_delete(row_id: int):

app = PiccoloCRUD(
        Hook(hook_type=HookType.pre_delete, callable=pre_delete)

Dependency injection

Each hook can optionally receive the Starlette request object. Just add request as an argument in your hook, and it’ll be injected automatically.

async def set_movie_rating_10(row: Movie, request: Request):



class piccolo_api.crud.hooks.HookType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

When the hook should be applied.

pre_delete = 'pre_delete'
pre_patch = 'pre_patch'
pre_save = 'pre_save'


class piccolo_api.crud.hooks.Hook(hook_type: HookType, callable: Callable)[source]