Source code for piccolo_api.session_auth.middleware

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from datetime import timedelta

from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser as PiccoloBaseUser
from starlette.authentication import (
from starlette.requests import HTTPConnection

from piccolo_api.session_auth.tables import SessionsBase
from piccolo_api.shared.auth import UnauthenticatedUser, User
from piccolo_api.shared.auth.excluded_paths import check_excluded_paths

[docs] class SessionsAuthBackend(AuthenticationBackend): """ Authenticaion middleware which uses session cookies. """ def __init__( self, auth_table: t.Type[PiccoloBaseUser] = PiccoloBaseUser, session_table: t.Type[SessionsBase] = SessionsBase, cookie_name: str = "id", admin_only: bool = True, superuser_only: bool = False, active_only: bool = True, increase_expiry: t.Optional[timedelta] = None, allow_unauthenticated: bool = False, excluded_paths: t.Optional[t.Sequence[str]] = None, ): """ :param auth_table: The Piccolo table used for authenticating users. It defaults to :class:`BaseUser <piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser>`. :param session_table: The Piccolo table used for storing sessions. If defaults to :class:`SessionsBase <piccolo_api.session_auth.tables.SessionsBase>`. :param cookie_name: The name of the session cookie. Override this if it clashes with other cookies in your application. :param admin_only: If ``True``, users which aren't admins will be rejected. :param superuser_only: If ``True``, users which aren't superusers will be rejected. :param active_only: If ``True``, users which aren't active will be rejected. :param increase_expiry: If set, the session expiry will be increased by this amount on each request, if it's close to expiry. This allows sessions to have a short expiry date, whilst also providing a good user experience. :param allow_unauthenticated: If ``True``, when a matching user session can't be found, the request still continues, but an unauthenticated user is added to the scope. It's then up to the application's endpoints to check if a user is authenticated or not using ``request.user.is_authenticated``. If ``False``, the request is automatically rejected if a user session can't be found. :param excluded_paths: These paths don't require a session cookie - useful if you want to exclude a few URLs, such as docs. """ # noqa: E501 super().__init__() self.auth_table = auth_table self.session_table = session_table self.cookie_name = cookie_name self.admin_only = admin_only self.superuser_only = superuser_only self.active_only = active_only self.increase_expiry = increase_expiry self.allow_unauthenticated = allow_unauthenticated self.excluded_paths = excluded_paths or [] @check_excluded_paths async def authenticate( self, conn: HTTPConnection ) -> t.Optional[t.Tuple[AuthCredentials, BaseUser]]: token = conn.cookies.get(self.cookie_name, None) if not token: if self.allow_unauthenticated: return (AuthCredentials(scopes=[]), UnauthenticatedUser()) else: raise AuthenticationError("No session cookie found.") user_id = await self.session_table.get_user_id( token, increase_expiry=self.increase_expiry ) if not user_id: if self.allow_unauthenticated: return (AuthCredentials(scopes=[]), UnauthenticatedUser()) else: raise AuthenticationError("No matching session found.") piccolo_user = ( await self.auth_table.objects() .where(self.auth_table._meta.primary_key == user_id) .first() .run() ) if not piccolo_user: if self.allow_unauthenticated: return (AuthCredentials(scopes=[]), UnauthenticatedUser()) else: raise AuthenticationError("That user doesn't exist anymore") if self.admin_only and not piccolo_user.admin: raise AuthenticationError("Admin users only") if self.superuser_only and not piccolo_user.superuser: raise AuthenticationError("Superusers only") if self.active_only and not raise AuthenticationError("Active users only") user = User(user=piccolo_user) return (AuthCredentials(scopes=["authenticated"]), user)