Source code for piccolo_api.session_auth.endpoints

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import typing as t
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from json import JSONDecodeError

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser
from starlette.endpoints import HTTPEndpoint, Request
from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException
from starlette.responses import (
from starlette.status import HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER

from piccolo_api.session_auth.tables import SessionsBase
from piccolo_api.shared.auth.hooks import LoginHooks
from piccolo_api.shared.auth.styles import Styles

if t.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from jinja2 import Template
    from starlette.responses import Response

    from piccolo_api.shared.auth.captcha import Captcha

TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "templates"

LOGIN_TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "session_login.html")

LOGOUT_TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "session_logout.html")

class SessionLogoutEndpoint(HTTPEndpoint, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def _session_table(self) -> t.Type[SessionsBase]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _cookie_name(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _redirect_to(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _logout_template(self) -> Template:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _styles(self) -> t.Optional[Styles]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _render_template(
        self, request: Request, template_context: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    ) -> HTMLResponse:
        # If CSRF middleware is present, we have to include a form field with
        # the CSRF token. It only works if CSRFMiddleware has
        # allow_form_param=True, otherwise it only looks for the token in the
        # header.
        csrftoken = request.scope.get("csrftoken")
        csrf_cookie_name = request.scope.get("csrf_cookie_name")

        return HTMLResponse(

    async def get(self, request: Request) -> HTMLResponse:
        return self._render_template(request)

    async def post(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        cookie = request.cookies.get(self._cookie_name, None)
        if not cookie:
            raise HTTPException(
                status_code=401, detail="The session cookie wasn't found."
        await self._session_table.remove_session(token=cookie)

        if self._redirect_to is not None:
            response: Response = RedirectResponse(
                url=self._redirect_to, status_code=HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER
            response = PlainTextResponse("Successfully logged out")

        response.set_cookie(self._cookie_name, "", max_age=0)
        return response

class SessionLoginEndpoint(HTTPEndpoint, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def _auth_table(self) -> t.Type[BaseUser]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _session_table(self) -> t.Type[SessionsBase]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _session_expiry(self) -> timedelta:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _max_session_expiry(self) -> timedelta:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _cookie_name(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _redirect_to(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
        Where to redirect to after login is successful.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _production(self) -> bool:
        If True, apply more stringent security.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _login_template(self) -> Template:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _hooks(self) -> t.Optional[LoginHooks]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _captcha(self) -> t.Optional[Captcha]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _styles(self) -> t.Optional[Styles]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _render_template(
        request: Request,
        template_context: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {},
    ) -> HTMLResponse:
        # If CSRF middleware is present, we have to include a form field with
        # the CSRF token. It only works if CSRFMiddleware has
        # allow_form_param=True, otherwise it only looks for the token in the
        # header.
        csrftoken = request.scope.get("csrftoken")
        csrf_cookie_name = request.scope.get("csrf_cookie_name")

        return HTMLResponse(

    def _get_error_response(
        self, request, error: str, response_format: t.Literal["html", "plain"]
    ) -> Response:
        if response_format == "html":
            return self._render_template(
                request, template_context={"error": error}, status_code=401
            return PlainTextResponse(
                status_code=401, content=f"Login failed: {error}"

    async def get(self, request: Request) -> HTMLResponse:
        return self._render_template(request)

    async def post(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        # Some middleware (for example CSRF) has already awaited the request
        # body, and adds it to the request.
        body: t.Any = request.scope.get("form")

        if not body:
                body = await request.json()
            except JSONDecodeError:
                body = await request.form()

        username = body.get("username", None)
        password = body.get("password", None)
        return_html = body.get("format") == "html"

        if (not username) or (not password):
            error_message = "Missing username or password"
            if return_html:
                return self._render_template(
                    template_context={"error": error_message},
                raise HTTPException(status_code=422, detail=error_message)

        # Run pre_login hooks
        if self._hooks and self._hooks.pre_login:
            hooks_response = await self._hooks.run_pre_login(username=username)
            if isinstance(hooks_response, str):
                return self._get_error_response(
                    response_format="html" if return_html else "plain",

        # Check CAPTCHA
        if self._captcha:
            token = body.get(self._captcha.token_field, None)
            validate_response = await self._captcha.validate(token=token)
            if isinstance(validate_response, str):
                if return_html:
                    return self._render_template(
                        template_context={"error": validate_response},
                    raise HTTPException(
                        status_code=401, detail=validate_response

        # Attempt login
        user_id = await self._auth_table.login(
            username=username, password=password

        if user_id:
            # Run login_success hooks
            if self._hooks and self._hooks.login_success:
                hooks_response = await self._hooks.run_login_success(
                    username=username, user_id=user_id
                if isinstance(hooks_response, str):
                    return self._get_error_response(
                        response_format="html" if return_html else "plain",
            # Run login_failure hooks
            if self._hooks and self._hooks.login_failure:
                hooks_response = await self._hooks.run_login_failure(
                if isinstance(hooks_response, str):
                    return self._get_error_response(
                        response_format="html" if return_html else "plain",

            if return_html:
                return self._render_template(
                        "error": "The username or password is incorrect."
                raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Login failed")

        now =
        expiry_date = now + self._session_expiry
        max_expiry_date = now + self._max_session_expiry

        session: SessionsBase = await self._session_table.create_session(

        if self._redirect_to is not None:
            response: Response = RedirectResponse(
                url=self._redirect_to, status_code=HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER
            response = JSONResponse(
                content={"message": "logged in"}, status_code=200

        if not self._production:
            message = (
                "If running sessions in production, make sure 'production' "
                "is set to True, and serve under HTTPS."

        cookie_value = t.cast(str, session.token)

        return response

[docs] def session_login( auth_table: t.Type[BaseUser] = BaseUser, session_table: t.Type[SessionsBase] = SessionsBase, session_expiry: timedelta = timedelta(hours=1), max_session_expiry: timedelta = timedelta(days=7), redirect_to: t.Optional[str] = "/", production: bool = False, cookie_name: str = "id", template_path: t.Optional[str] = None, hooks: t.Optional[LoginHooks] = None, captcha: t.Optional[Captcha] = None, styles: t.Optional[Styles] = None, ) -> t.Type[SessionLoginEndpoint]: """ An endpoint for creating a user session. :param auth_table: Which table to authenticate the username and password with. It defaults to :class:`BaseUser <piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser>`. :param session_table: Which table to store the session in. If defaults to :class:`SessionsBase <piccolo_api.session_auth.tables.SessionsBase>`. :param session_expiry: How long the session will last. :param max_session_expiry: If the session is refreshed (see the ``increase_expiry`` parameter for :class:`SessionsAuthBackend <piccolo_api.session_auth.middleware.SessionsAuthBackend>`), it can only be refreshed up to a certain limit, after which the session is void. :param redirect_to: Where to redirect to after successful login. :param production: Adds additional security measures. Use this in production, when serving your app over HTTPS. :param cookie_name: The name of the cookie used to store the session token. Only override this if the name of the cookie clashes with other cookies. :param template_path: If you want to override the default login HTML template, you can do so by specifying the absolute path to a custom template. For example ``'/some_directory/login.html'``. Refer to the default template at ``piccolo_api/templates/session_login.html`` as a basis for your custom template. :param hooks: Allows you to run custom logic at various points in the login process. See :class:`LoginHooks <piccolo_api.shared.auth.hooks.LoginHooks>`. :param captcha: Integrate a CAPTCHA service, to provide protection against bots. See :class:`Captcha <piccolo_api.shared.auth.captcha.Captcha>`. :param styles: Modify the appearance of the HTML template using CSS. """ # noqa: E501 template_path = ( LOGIN_TEMPLATE_PATH if template_path is None else template_path ) directory, filename = os.path.split(template_path) environment = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(directory), autoescape=True ) login_template = environment.get_template(filename) class _SessionLoginEndpoint(SessionLoginEndpoint): _auth_table = auth_table _session_table = session_table _session_expiry = session_expiry _max_session_expiry = max_session_expiry _redirect_to = redirect_to _production = production _cookie_name = cookie_name _login_template = login_template _hooks = hooks _captcha = captcha _styles = styles or Styles() return _SessionLoginEndpoint
[docs] def session_logout( session_table: t.Type[SessionsBase] = SessionsBase, cookie_name: str = "id", redirect_to: t.Optional[str] = None, template_path: t.Optional[str] = None, styles: t.Optional[Styles] = None, ) -> t.Type[SessionLogoutEndpoint]: """ An endpoint for clearing a user session. :param session_table: Which table to store the session in. It defaults to :class:`SessionsBase <piccolo_api.session_auth.tables.SessionsBase>`. :param cookie_name: The name of the cookie used to store the session token. Only override this if the name of the cookie clashes with other cookies. :param redirect_to: Where to redirect to after logging out. :param template_path: If you want to override the default logout HTML template, you can do so by specifying the absolute path to a custom template. For example ``'/some_directory/logout.html'``. Refer to the default template at ``piccolo_api/templates/logout.html`` as a basis for your custom template. :param styles: Modify the appearance of the HTML template using CSS. """ # noqa: E501 template_path = ( LOGOUT_TEMPLATE_PATH if template_path is None else template_path ) directory, filename = os.path.split(template_path) environment = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(directory), autoescape=True ) logout_template = environment.get_template(filename) class _SessionLogoutEndpoint(SessionLogoutEndpoint): _session_table = session_table _cookie_name = cookie_name _redirect_to = redirect_to _logout_template = logout_template _styles = styles or Styles() return _SessionLogoutEndpoint