Source code for piccolo_api.jwt_auth.middleware

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import typing as t

import jwt
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser
from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException
from starlette.types import ASGIApp

[docs] class JWTBlacklist: """ Inherit from this class, and override :meth:`in_blacklist`. Used in conjunction with :class:`JWTMiddleware`. An example is :class:`StaticJWTBlacklist`. """
[docs] async def in_blacklist(self, token: str) -> bool: """ Checks whether the token is in the blacklist. """ return False
[docs] class StaticJWTBlacklist(JWTBlacklist): """ A simple implementation of :class:`JWTBlacklist <JWTBlacklist>`, which rejects a token if it's in the given list. """ def __init__(self, blacklist: t.List[str]): self.blacklist = blacklist async def in_blacklist(self, token: str) -> bool: return token in self.blacklist
def extend_scope(scope: t.Dict, extra: t.Dict) -> t.Dict: """ We copy the scope and extend it with `extra`. It's best to copy the scope rather than manipulate it directly. """ new_scope = dict(scope) new_scope.update(extra) return new_scope
[docs] class JWTError(str, enum.Enum): """ This enum contains all of the possible errors which can be returned by :class:`JWTMiddleware`. If ``allow_unauthenticated=True`` then these errors will be added to the ASGI scope instead under ``jwt_error``. """ token_not_found = "Token not found" token_revoked = "Token revoked" token_expired = "Token has expired" user_not_found = "User not found" token_invalid = "Token is invalid"
[docs] class JWTMiddleware: """ Protects ASGI endpoints - only allows access if a JWT token is present in the ``authorization`` HTTP header. """ def __init__( self, asgi: ASGIApp, secret: str, auth_table: t.Type[BaseUser] = BaseUser, blacklist: JWTBlacklist = JWTBlacklist(), allow_unauthenticated: bool = False, ) -> None: """ :param asgi: The ASGI app to protect. :param secret: The secret used to decode the JWT token. :param auth_table: The Piccolo table containing users - either :class:`BaseUser <piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser>` or a subclass. :param blacklist: Any tokens in this list will be rejected. :param allow_unauthenticated: By default the middleware rejects any requests with an invalid token. """ self.asgi = asgi self.secret = secret self.auth_table = auth_table self.blacklist = blacklist self.allow_unauthenticated = allow_unauthenticated def get_token(self, headers: dict) -> t.Optional[str]: """ Try and extract the JWT token from the request headers. """ auth_token = headers.get(b"authorization", None) if not auth_token: return None auth_str = auth_token.decode() if not auth_str.startswith("Bearer "): return None return auth_str.split(" ")[1] async def get_user( self, token_dict: t.Dict[str, t.Any] ) -> t.Optional[BaseUser]: """ Extract the user_id from the token, and return a matching user. """ user_id = token_dict.get("user_id", None) if not user_id: return None return await self.auth_table.objects().get( self.auth_table._meta.primary_key == user_id ) async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send): """ Add the user_id to the scope if a JWT token is available, and the user is recognised, otherwise raise a 403 HTTP error. """ allow_unauthenticated = self.allow_unauthenticated headers = dict(scope["headers"]) token = self.get_token(headers) if not token: error = JWTError.token_not_found.value if allow_unauthenticated: await self.asgi( extend_scope(scope, {"user_id": None, "jwt_error": error}), receive, send, ) return else: raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=error) if await self.blacklist.in_blacklist(token): error = JWTError.token_revoked.value if allow_unauthenticated: await self.asgi( extend_scope(scope, {"user_id": None, "jwt_error": error}), receive, send, ) return else: raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=error) try: token_dict = jwt.decode(token, self.secret, algorithms=["HS256"]) except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError: error = JWTError.token_expired.value if allow_unauthenticated: await self.asgi( extend_scope(scope, {"user_id": None, "jwt_error": error}), receive, send, ) return else: raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=error) except jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError: error = JWTError.token_invalid.value if allow_unauthenticated: await self.asgi( extend_scope(scope, {"user_id": None, "jwt_error": error}), receive, send, ) return else: raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=error) user = await self.get_user(token_dict) if user is None: error = JWTError.user_not_found.value if allow_unauthenticated: await self.asgi( extend_scope(scope, {"user_id": None, "jwt_error": error}), receive, send, ) return else: raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=error) await self.asgi( extend_scope(scope, {"user_id":}), receive, send )