Source code for piccolo_api.csrf.middleware

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
import uuid
from import Sequence

from starlette.datastructures import URL
from starlette.middleware.base import (
from starlette.responses import Response
from starlette.types import ASGIApp

ONE_YEAR = 31536000  # 365 * 24 * 60 * 60

[docs] class CSRFMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware): """ For GET requests, set a random token as a cookie. For unsafe HTTP methods, require a HTTP header to match the cookie value, otherwise the request is rejected. This uses the Double Submit Cookie style of CSRF prevention. For more information see the OWASP cheatsheet (`double submit cookie <>`_ and `customer request headers <>`_). By default, the CSRF token needs to be added to the request header. By setting ``allow_form_param`` to ``True``, it will also work if added as a form parameter. """ # noqa: E501 @staticmethod def get_new_token() -> str: return str(uuid.uuid4()) def __init__( self, app: ASGIApp, allowed_hosts: t.Sequence[str] = [], cookie_name: str = DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME, header_name: str = DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME, max_age: int = ONE_YEAR, allow_header_param: bool = True, allow_form_param: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ :param app: The ASGI app you want to wrap. :param allowed_hosts: If using this middleware with HTTPS, you need to set this value, for example ``['']``. :param cookie_name: You can specify a custom name for the cookie. There should be no need to change it, unless in the rare situation where the name clashes with another cookie. :param header_name: You can tell the middleware to look for the CSRF token in a different HTTP header. :param max_age: The max age of the cookie, in seconds. :param allow_header_param: Whether to look for the CSRF token in the HTTP headers. :param allow_form_param: Whether to look for the CSRF token in a form field with the same name as the cookie. By default, it's not enabled. """ if not isinstance(allowed_hosts, Sequence): raise ValueError( "allowed_hosts must be a sequence (list or tuple)" ) self.allowed_hosts = allowed_hosts self.cookie_name = cookie_name self.header_name = header_name self.max_age = max_age self.allow_header_param = allow_header_param self.allow_form_param = allow_form_param super().__init__(app, **kwargs) def is_valid_referer(self, request: Request) -> bool: header: str = ( request.headers.get("origin") or request.headers.get("referer") or "" ) url = URL(header) hostname = url.hostname is_valid = hostname in self.allowed_hosts if hostname else False return is_valid async def dispatch( self, request: Request, call_next: RequestResponseEndpoint ): if request.method in SAFE_HTTP_METHODS: token = request.cookies.get(self.cookie_name, None) token_required = token is None if token_required: token = self.get_new_token() request.scope.update( { "csrftoken": token, "csrf_cookie_name": self.cookie_name, } ) response = await call_next(request) if token_required and token: response.set_cookie( self.cookie_name, token, max_age=self.max_age, ) return response else: cookie_token = request.cookies.get(self.cookie_name) if not cookie_token: return Response("No CSRF cookie found", status_code=403) header_token = ( request.headers.get(self.header_name) if self.allow_header_param else None ) if self.allow_form_param and not header_token: form_data = await request.form() form_token = form_data.get(self.cookie_name, None) request.scope.update({"form": form_data}) else: form_token = None if not header_token and not form_token: return Response( "The CSRF token wasn't found in the form data or header.", status_code=403, ) if header_token and (cookie_token != header_token): return Response( "The CSRF token in the header doesn't match the cookie.", status_code=403, ) if form_token and (cookie_token != form_token): return Response( "The CSRF token in the form doesn't match the cookie.", status_code=403, ) # Provides defence in depth: if request.base_url.is_secure: # According to this paper, the referer header is present in # the vast majority of HTTPS requests, but not HTTP requests, # so only check it for HTTPS. # if not self.is_valid_referer(request): return Response( "Referer or origin is incorrect", status_code=403 ) request.scope.update( { "csrftoken": cookie_token, "csrf_cookie_name": self.cookie_name, } ) return await call_next(request)